Posts from June 2023
Summer Choir
All are warmly are invited to sing in the Summer Choir, which will lead in Sunday worship at these six services in June, July, and August: In this more relaxed time of year, there will not be a mid-week rehearsal. This is a great opportunity to come check out the choir, share your love of music, or do something a bit out of the ordinary. No experience or preparation needed. Feel free to come as your Sunday schedule allows! We…
Father’s Day Offering for Ukraine
We are raising funds to send urgently needed medical supplies to a clinic in Ukraine, in particular, wireless ultrasound machines to help assess wounded men, women, and children. Each device costs $3,000, and the clinic needs three. Our fundraising goal is $10,000. Give online or by check made payable to BPC with “Ukraine” in the memo line. Please put checks in the offering plate or mail them to 5690 Oak Leather Drive, Burke, VA 22015. We are also collecting certain…
BPC Preschool is hiring!
BPC Preschool is hiring teachers and an office assistant Our BPC Preschool seeks to grow the school family with the addition of new teachers, assistant teachers, and a floating office assistant for the upcoming school year. If you or someone you know might be interested in working part-time in our joyful preschool, please contact Preschool Director Anndra Rowland at Visit the BPC Preschool’s website.
The nursery (for toddlers and babies) is available on the lower level. Older children are invited to begin worship with their families and then, following the children’s message, transition to Stepping Stones (preschoolers) or Godly Play (kindergarten and older). Children are always welcome to remain in the Meeting House with their families.