Posts from November 2024

Christmas Joy Offering
Every year, society expects us to celebrate the holiday season even bigger and better than years before. This year, coming together to reclaim Advent and Christmas can be both humbling and fulfilling. As we excitedly await the birth of Christ, it’s important to remember the reason for the season: the newborn Servant of All, the perfect gift. With Christ at the center this holiday season, we can follow in his example of servant leadership by serving our brothers and sisters…

Christmas Eve Services
Please join us for a service on Christmas Eve! On December 24, 2024, we will hold three services in the evening. The 8:00pm service will also be offered online. Childcare will not be available on Christmas Eve. Children are welcome in the Meeting House during any/all worship services. Families who would like to be in a separate area are invited to worship in the Gathering Space, where quiet activities and toys for children will be available. A livestream of the…

Winter 2024/25 Newsletter
The New Leaf, a newsletter of Burke Presbyterian Church members and friends, is published quarterly. Read the Winter 2024/25 issue. Paper copies are available in the Gathering Space. If you would like to receive a paper copy by US mail, contact the church office at 703-764-0456 or

Advent and Christmas Eve at BPC
Please join us during Advent and on Christmas Eve! We’ve planned some special worship services, festive holiday gatherings and celebrations, and lots of opportunities to help our neighbors. For details, see our Events Calendar and information below. Please contact the church office, at 703-764-0456 or, for more information.

IMPACT Youth Choir – Second Annual Sponsor-a-Bus-Seat Campaign
Our IMPACT Youth choir is launching a Sponsor-a-Bus-Seat campaign to offset the cost of the bus for their annual choir tour in June. Please help the choir that has made a meaningful difference in the lives of so many students over the past 19 years! You can donate online or by check payable to Burke Presbyterian Church with “IMPACT Sponsor a Bus Seat” in the memo line. Mail checks to Burke Presbyterian Church, 5690 Oak Leather Drive, Burke, VA 22015.…