
Job Openings: Associate Pastor for Youth
Burke Presbyterian Church is a 600-member congregation with 270 average Sunday worship in suburban Northern Virginia (less than 20 miles west of Washington, DC) that is welcoming to all. We are seeking an Associate Pastor! The principal focus would be on our great youth; but there are other duties as well, including preaching a sermon to the congregation roughly once a month (in person and streamed online) and pastoral care as needed. The Associate Pastor would be mentored by the…

APNC Update
If you have any comments or questions for the APNC, please email

Summer Choir
All are warmly are invited to sing in the Summer Choir, which will lead in Sunday worship at these six services in June, July, and August: In this more relaxed time of year, there will not be a mid-week rehearsal. This is a great opportunity to come check out the choir, share your love of music, or do something a bit out of the ordinary. No experience or preparation needed. Feel free to come as your Sunday schedule allows! We…

Join us for services during Holy Week
Please plan to join us for Holy Week services. Maundy Thursday service will be held at First Baptist Vienna. We will travel to worship with First Baptist; fellowship at 6 pm and worship at 7pm. Good Friday and Easter services will be held in the Meeting House; some will also be offered online. Invite your friends, neighbors, and family members. All are welcome! Maundy Thursday, March 28– located at First Baptist of Vienna, fellowship at 6pm and worship at 7:00pm…

Fall Exploring Membership Classes
You’re invited to explore membership at Burke Presbyterian Church If you have been attending BPC for awhile or are brand new here, we hope you are finding your time with us meaningful, inspiring, challenging, and even fun. Searching for and visiting any new church can feel awkward or uncertain; we hope you have met some great people and found places to fit in and get connected. If you are thinking about joining us or just want to learn more about Presbyterians…

Summer Choir
All are warmly are invited to sing in the Summer Choir, which will lead in Sunday worship at these six services in June, July, and August: In this more relaxed time of year, there will not be a mid-week rehearsal. This is a great opportunity to come check out the choir, share your love of music, or do something a bit out of the ordinary. No experience or preparation needed. Feel free to come as your Sunday schedule allows! We…

Join us for services during Holy Week
Please plan to join us for Holy Week services. All services will be held in the Meeting House; some will also be offered online. Invite your friends, neighbors, and family members. All are welcome! Maundy Thursday, April 6 – 7:30pm, Communion around tables jointly with First Baptist Church of Vienna, with guest preacher Dr. Vernon C. Walton, in person only Good Friday, April 7 – 7:30pm, Tenebrae service of light in the darkness, in person and online Easter Sunday, April…

March Mission Madness Recap
Thanks to everyone who answered the call to join us for March Mission Madness! Your service always matters and we’re grateful that you took part. The madness began at 8:00 am on Saturday, March 11, when teams of youth and adults (60+ people) traveled to different service sites across the DMV. They built benches, prepared/handed out food, organized items in a warehouse, and tackled a variety of odd jobs for an animal rescue center. Then, on Sunday, March 12, they gathered…

Exploring the Sacraments
A two-part Sunday School series for children and adults Are you curious about baptism or communion? Join us as we explore these sacraments through Godly Play and conversation with Pastor Becca. All ages are welcome! We’ll have two sessions. On Sunday, March 12, we’ll explore baptism. On Sunday, March 19, we’ll explore communion. Both classes will meet at 10:15am, during the Sunday School hour, in the Godly Play Room/Conversation Corner.

Seeking Jesus at the Table
A new adult Sunday School class, Seeking Jesus at the Table, starts on February 19. The Gospels are full of stories of Jesus sharing meals with disciples and friends, as well as tax collectors and Pharisees. Join this Lenten study as we seek Jesus, search for biblical insights, and share our thoughts and questions along with examining issues regarding our own time, such as who gets invited to dinner and who is left out and left behind in our culture…

Building Deeper Connections through Hope: Small Groups to Read/Explore Together
What is hope? Where does it live? And how do we cling to hope when it feels elusive or absent? Explore these and other questions with others seeking to understand hope and how to hold it close. Sign up for our next small group series to read and reflect on MaryAnn McKibben Dana’s book, Hope: A User’s Manual. We call these small groups Sacred Circles, a name that reflects our intention to create space where we can form deeper connections…

Sunday, December 18 ~ Poet Kathleen O’Toole on Grief and Service of the Longest Night
Advent is intended to be about longing and hope, and yet our culture runs over that quiet spirit with a kind of happiness that can be hard and exhausting, especially for people who are going through hard times. Grief is especially acute during Advent. Traditions can bring pain along with the memories. Financial hardship, loneliness, or heartbreak make it hard to join in to the jolly and jingle of the world. But there is still light and room for you,…