Latest News (Page 6)

BPC to host CROP Hunger Walk

Burke Presbyterian Church will host the 31st Burke/Fairfax CROP Hunger Walk on November 5, 2023. Last year, over 280 walkers participated, raising over $32,000 to alleviate hunger locally and globally. Register for the walk Details about the walk Make a donation You can support the CROP Hunger Walk and local restaurants by participating in one of our fundraisers. Check our events calendar for dates, times, and locations.

Letters from our pastors

October 1, 2023 To my beloved friends of BPC, As of this afternoon, I have been voted in to be the next pastor of Congregational Presbyterian Church in Lewiston, Idaho. My last day at BPC will be Sunday, October 29. I am leaving because I believe God has called me to this church, Julia and I have wanted to be closer to my family on the West Coast, and if I’ve learned one lesson from my time as your pastor…

Kibwezi Silent Auction

Each year, BPC hosts an auction of goods and services provided by members of the church. All proceeds to go our partners in ministry in Kibwezi, Kenya. The auction is all online and runs for just seven days: September 24 through October 1. We hope you will bid early and often! Asante sana . . . thank you very much! Please contact the church office (703-764-0456 or with any questions. About BPC’s Kibwezi Kenya Partnership Since 1987, Burke Presbyterian Church…

“Things Jesus Never Said” Sermon Series

Our early fall sermon series is Things Jesus Never Said. We’ll interrogate some of the sayings that have often been misattributed to Jesus, such as “follow your heart” and “God never gives people more than they can handle.” We hope that this will bang off some of the cultural litter that we may not even realize is affecting our faith.  Join us on Sunday mornings for worship and Sunday School! For more information, contact the church office at 703-764-0456 or…

Fall 2023 Newsletter

The New Leaf, a newsletter of Burke Presbyterian Church members and friends, is published periodically. Read the Fall 2023 issue. Paper copies are available in the Gathering Space. If you would like to receive a paper copy by US mail, contact the church office at 703-764-0456 or

Fall Exploring Membership Classes

You’re invited to explore membership at Burke Presbyterian Church If you have been attending BPC for awhile or are brand new here, we hope you are finding your time with us meaningful, inspiring, challenging, and even fun. Searching for and visiting any new church can feel awkward or uncertain; we hope you have met some great people and found places to fit in and get connected. If you are thinking about joining us or just want to learn more about Presbyterians…

“Games People Play” Sermon Series

“Games People Play” is a sermon series that uses fun board games to open up the various internal maneuvers that often dominate our relationship with God. For example . . .  Balderdash: Remember that dictionary game where you say a definition for a big complicated word and it might be the real definition or completely made up? Some words in our faith context are like that. What, for example, does the word “blessed” mean? Hear Jesus define it.  The Game of Life: This game…

Summer Choir

All are warmly are invited to sing in the Summer Choir, which will lead in Sunday worship at these six services in June, July, and August: In this more relaxed time of year, there will not be a mid-week rehearsal. This is a great opportunity to come check out the choir, share your love of music, or do something a bit out of the ordinary. No experience or preparation needed. Feel free to come as your Sunday schedule allows! We…

Father’s Day Offering for Ukraine

We are raising funds to send urgently needed medical supplies to a clinic in Ukraine, in particular, wireless ultrasound machines to help assess wounded men, women, and children. Each device costs $3,000, and the clinic needs three. Our fundraising goal is $10,000. Give online or by check made payable to BPC with “Ukraine” in the memo line. Please put checks in the offering plate or mail them to 5690 Oak Leather Drive, Burke, VA 22015. We are also collecting certain…

BPC Preschool is hiring!

BPC Preschool is hiring teachers and an office assistant  Our BPC Preschool seeks to grow the school family with the addition of new teachers, assistant teachers, and a floating office assistant for the upcoming school year. If you or someone you know might be interested in working part-time in our joyful preschool, please contact Preschool Director Anndra Rowland at Visit the BPC Preschool’s website.

Life Worth Living Sermon Series

“Life Worth Living” is the title of our early summer sermon series, which runs June 4 through July 2, 2023. It’s inspired by a recently published book, Life Worth Living: A Guide to What Matters Most, written by Yale faculty Miroslav Volf, Matthew Croasmun, and Ryan McAnnally-Linz. We invite you to We hope you can join us at some point along the way!  For more information, please contact the church office at 703-764-0456 or

Northern Virginia ICP and Sharing Sacred Spaces

Burke Presbyterian Church is participating in the Northern Virginia Interreligious Communities Project (ICP) with Sharing Sacred Spaces and local host Rumi Forum. The ICP brings together religious and spiritual communities to visit one another’s sacred spaces, learn about each other, extend hospitality, and build an interfaith community. Join us as we collaborate to explore sacred architecture, get to know one another, heal divides, deepen understanding of self and others, create community, and build an inspiring future. The ICP will be…