Latest News (Page 8)

Lent 2023 at BPC

Join us throughout the season as we explore a theme we’re calling “Seeking.” The Lenten scripture readings this year offer us stories of Jesus encountering people who are seeking: Nicodemus under the veil of night, the woman at the well, a man born blind. All are asking questions. All are seeking meaning, new beginnings, and a deeper worthiness than what they have experienced in the world. Throughout the turbulence of the past few years, many of us are asking big…

Exploring the Sacraments

A two-part Sunday School series for children and adults Are you curious about baptism or communion? Join us as we explore these sacraments through Godly Play and conversation with Pastor Becca. All ages are welcome! We’ll have two sessions. On Sunday, March 12, we’ll explore baptism. On Sunday, March 19, we’ll explore communion. Both classes will meet at 10:15am, during the Sunday School hour, in the Godly Play Room/Conversation Corner.

Little Free Pantry Opportunity

Join us in keeping our Free Little Pantry Full! Build by BPC member Jack Marin for his Eagle Scout project, this pantry is designed to help us serve our neighbors with simple items to grab and go.  You can learn more about the Nationwide Little Pantry Organization at You are invited sign up as a group, family or individual for a month or a week at a time. Contact the church office for information on how to sign up. It is…

Seeking Jesus at the Table

A new adult Sunday School class, Seeking Jesus at the Table, starts on February 19. The Gospels are full of stories of Jesus sharing meals with disciples and friends, as well as tax collectors and Pharisees. Join this Lenten study as we seek Jesus, search for biblical insights, and share our thoughts and questions along with examining issues regarding our own time, such as who gets invited to dinner and who is left out and left behind in our culture…

Help Restock ECHO’s Food Room

In January of 2023, ECHO experienced a deficit of 6,000 pounds between food received and food given to clients. Generous donations of staples from BPC members totaled almost 300 pounds in the last two weeks. In addition to those basic needs, please consider adding some of the following items (from ECHO’s “most needed” list) that in are low supply: spaghetti sauce, honey, condiments, onion and garlic powder, salt, lemon juice, evaporated and condensed milk, and juice. Please place your gifts…

Afghan Refugee Assistance Update

Was my contribution to Afghan refugee assistance helpful to anyone? Absolutely! The gifts that BPC members donated for refugee assistance enabled a family of seven to move from a homeless shelter to an apartment. Donations also went to the National Capital Presbytery Refugee Ministries Network which, in relationship with Greenwich Presbyterian and Capital Hill Presbyterian, provides emergency funding for Afghan refugees. Donations of furniture, labor, and monies also allowed a young Afghan woman and her brother to set up an apartment.…

Building Deeper Connections through Hope: Small Groups to Read/Explore Together

What is hope? Where does it live? And how do we cling to hope when it feels elusive or absent? Explore these and other questions with others seeking to understand hope and how to hold it close. Sign up for our next small group series to read and reflect on MaryAnn McKibben Dana’s book, Hope: A User’s Manual. We call these small groups Sacred Circles, a name that reflects our intention to create space where we can form deeper connections…

Holiday Worship Schedule

Please join us on Christmas Eve! All three services will be held in the Meeting House on Saturday, December 24, 2022. The 9:00 p.m. service will also be offered online, on YouTube and on Zoom. 4:00 p.m. Family Service, with a no-rehearsal pageant and children’s choirs 6:00 p.m. Candlelight Service, with youth choir 9:00 p.m. Candlelight Communion Service, with adult choir On the next two Sunday mornings, December 25, 2022, and January 1, 2023, we will follow a holiday schedule: one service at 10:00…

Sunday, December 18 ~ Poet Kathleen O’Toole on Grief and Service of the Longest Night

Advent is intended to be about longing and hope, and yet our culture runs over that quiet spirit with a kind of happiness that can be hard and exhausting, especially for people who are going through hard times. Grief is especially acute during Advent. Traditions can bring pain along with the memories. Financial hardship, loneliness, or heartbreak make it hard to join in to the jolly and jingle of the world. But there is still light and room for you,…

30th Burke/Fairfax CROP Hunger Walk

The 30th Burke/Fairfax CROP Hunger Walk was held on Sunday, November 6, 2022, with more than 230 walkers from 17 faith groups and 2 community groups participating. The 2022 Walk raised approximately $30,000 for Church World Service (CWS), a faith-based organization that works to fight hunger around the world. A portion of the fund raised (25%) stays here in Northern Virginia to support local hunger relief organizations such as ECHO.  The walk began and ended at Burke Presbyterian Church, with…

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Please join us for the 39th Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, which will be held at Burke Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, November 22 at 7:30 p.m., in person and online. Mary Akrami, an internationally recognized women’s rights leader evacuated from Afghanistan in August of 2021, will speak at the service, along with Abu (Dan) Haroun, a leader of NoVA RAFT (Resettling Afghan Families Together). Bags of rice and dried red or black beans will be collected for ECHO, and financial gifts will…

Community Table

On the second Tuesday of each month, we work together to host our neighbors for a free meal and conversation around tables in the Gathering Space. Doors open at 5:30pm; dinner is served at 6:00pm. There are many different ways that you and your family can be part of this relatively new ministry at BPC — baking ahead of time, preparing food in the BPC kitchen, hospitality, set up, and clean up. Volunteers and guests of all ages are welcome!…