Events Calendar

February 2025

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Men of Burke (MOB)

Men of Burke (MOB) meets twice a month for fellowship and mutual support. For more information, contact Bob Hemm via the church office, at 703-764-0456 or

Worship (9:00 & 11:15 am), Sunday School (10:15)

We hope you will join us on Sunday morning for a worship service, at 9:00am or 11:15am, and for Sunday School between services, 10:15-11:00am. Worship at 9:00 am and 11:15 am Sunday School for all ages at 10:15 am For more information, please contact the church office, 703-764-0456 or

Multi-Generational Breakfast & Community Meals

Multi-generational Sunday School: Community Meals dessert prep. On the first Sunday of every month, we offer a multi-generational Sunday School from 10:15-11am with varying activities. Join us, Sunday, February 2, as we help prepare and package 120 desserts for our Community Meals mission in partnership with FACETS. These desserts will then be added to individual meals and distributed on Wednesday at locations in Fairfax to 120 unhoused people. A member from our Community Meals team will also talk about the…

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

This study group selects a book of the Bible, and then they read and discuss it a few verses or a chapter at a time. Space for silence is welcome, and there is no deadline to finish. Also, no prerequisites, and no homework! They meet most Tuesday mornings from 10:00 to 11:00am, in the BPC Library and on Zoom. All are welcome! For more information, contact Sherrie Brady via the church office (703-764-0456 or

The Fix It Team

A dedicated group who bring their unique talents to help fix and problem solve plumbing, electrical, building (and more) solutions, every Tuesday. When they are done working they head to lunch for continued fellowship. They meet most Tuesday mornings at 10:00am as your schedule allows. All are welcome! For more information, contact BJ Postlewaite via the church office (703-764-0456 or

Community Meals

After the successful efforts for the Hypothermia Shelter last winter, we are continuing our outreach by supporting FACETS hot meals program. FACETS is a local organization that supports people in vulnerable situations. Our community meals team will be preparing 150 meals for the FACETS van to transport to people in need. We will continue this on the first Wednesday of every month. There are many different ways that you and your family can be part of this relatively new ministry…


Rainbow is a mid-week program of fellowship and activities for children in kindergarten through grade 6. We gather most Wednesdays, October through April, for recreation/creative arts, music (children’s choirs), and a family-style meal. Through it all, and superseding any specific content, we seek to put into practice what it is to be the church and to treat one another as children of God. For more information about Rainbow or any of our children’s programs, please get in touch with Director…

AA Meeting

An Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) group meets at BPC on Thursdays from 8:30 to 9:30 pm. To access the meeting room, enter the building through a single side door, just around the corner from the main entrance. Walk straight through a large room (the main entrance doors will be on your left) to the East Wing classrooms. The group meets in a double room, E4/E5. For more information, visit the group’s meeting page on the Virginia Alcoholics Anonymous website.

Exploring Membership class

You’re invited to explore membership at Burke Presbyterian Church! If you have been attending BPC for awhile or are brand new here, we hope you are finding your time with us meaningful, inspiring, challenging, and even fun. Searching for and visiting any new church can feel awkward or uncertain; we hope you have met some great people and found places to fit in and get connected. If you are thinking about joining us or just want to learn more about Presbyterians…

Blood Drive

Burke Presbyterian Church is hosting a blood drive on Saturday, February 15, from 7:00am to 11:00am. The INOVA bloodmobile will be parked in our parking lot. This drive is open to neighbors and community members. Book your appointment today! Schedule it online or call 1-866-256-6372 and use code 1049. Questions? Please contact the church office at 703-764-0456 or

Hypothermia Prevention Program

Burke Presbyterian Church will host the Fairfax Hypothermia Prevention Program (operated by FACETS) for a week in February, providing food and shelter for 35 to 45 unhoused people. We’re going to need many volunteers, including greeters, meal preparers/servers, and mat cleaners. If you’d like to help, please contact Mara Ashby or Marcy Stennes via the church office, at 703-764-0456 or

Bowling Night for 4th-6th Graders

This is an event for especially for students in grades 4 through 6. We hope you can come to a night of bowling, pizza, and time with friends. There is no cost to families. Please contact Director of Spiritual Growth, Arlene Decina, at to reserve your spot and more information.