The CROP Hunger Walk will be held on Sunday, November 6. All are encouraged – families, adults, youth – to participate in the CROP Walk. The walk begins and ends at BPC. After the walk, we’ll celebrate with live praise music, snacks, and community spirit! Registration starts at 1:00 p.m., with “step off” at 1:45 p.m.
Support the CROP Walk. Over 800 million people are hungry and millions are walking for their very survival. We can make a difference! Sign up today online or on Sunday morning in the Gathering Space and give yourself a gift — a gift of exercise, a gift of community spirit, a gift of knowing you’re making a difference to someone in need. Walkers, please turn in your walker Donation Envelope and sponsor donations on Sunday morning and pick up a “Walker Partner card” to walk in spirit with someone who has been helped by previous CROP Hunger Walks. Bring a food item for ECHO! Whether you walk or sponsor, you can make a difference to the hungry and hurting around the world and here in our community.
Fair Trade market at the CROP Walk. Fair Trade Winds will be selling crafts and gift items from crafters around the world at BPC on November 6, during the CROP Walk registration hour from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. All of the items support families and community co-ops with a focus on making sure that the workers earn fair wages and work in fair working conditions. And 10% of the proceeds will go to the CROP Walk. Everyone is welcome — this is not just for CROP walkers! Give gifts that make a real difference!