Join us for a blessing of the backpacks and a powerful sermon from guest preacher Rev. Casey Thompson.
- Bring your backpack, briefcase, or handbag to worship! Whether in preschool, grad school, or starting a new project at work or at home, so many things we depend on are stored in our bags. We will bless these things we carry and pray for the new beginnings a school year promises.
- We will welcome Rev. Casey Thompson as our guest preacher. Recently senior pastor of Wayne Presbyterian in Philadelphia, Rev. Thompson has moved to the DC area and will soon serve at First Presbyterian Church in Springfield. Rev. Thompson and Pastor Becca co-authored a book called Cultivated Ministry, a resource for Presbyterians on congregational effectiveness. He helped found The Common Place, an educational outreach center in Southwest Philadelphia that has been a model in the denomination for life-changing urban ministry.
- Our scriptures this Sunday are Matthew 16:13-20 and Exodus 1:8-22.
- You can also access the service online.
- After the service, we hope you will stick around for fellowship over a cup of coffee or lemonade.

The nursery (for toddlers and babies) is available on the lower level. Other children are invited to begin worship with their families and then, following the children’s message, children in kindergarten and younger are invited to transition to Stepping Stones.
Godly Play is on hiatus over the summer; it will resume after Labor Day.
Children are always welcome to remain in the Meeting House with their families.