Students in grades 7 through 12 will help lead worship in a variety of ways, from reading a prayer or passage from scripture, to being an usher. Seniors will be invited to participate in a panel. If you’re a youth who would like to be part of this service but haven’t been in touch with Pastor Adam, please write to him at
- Sermon Series – Church Home: Surprising features of the body of Christ and actual human beings
- Scriptures – Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16; 1 Peter 2:2-10
- Communion
- Online at 11:15 am
Information for children: The nursery (for toddlers and babies) is available in Room LL-1 on the lower level. Older children are invited to begin worship with their families and then, following the children’s message, transition to Stepping Stones (preschoolers) or Godly Play (kindergarten and older). Children are always welcome to remain in the Meeting House with their families.
BPC is committed to doing ministry with and for youth (7th-12 grades). We offer a variety of ways to connect with God and with one another, from Youth Connections to IMPACT youth choir to mission projects and retreats. Learn more about programs for youth at BPC.