“Grounded: Standing Firm in a World of Shifting Winds” – Sermon Series

“Grounded: Standing Firm in a World of Shifting Winds” – Sermon Series

Our October sermon series explores how our faith provides a solid foundation during times of political and social turbulence, focusing on principles like truth, justice, and compassion while navigating the challenges of a divided world.

October 6th – World Communion Sunday
Psalm 8 “Grounded in Wonder: Creation, Communion, and the Glory of God”
Being “grounded” means recognizing our place in God’s vast creation, which is celebrated through unity around the communion table and in sacred relationship with the world itself.

October 13th – Rev. Dr. Roger Gench Preaching
Romans 12:1-8 “Grounded: The Church In, With, Against and For the World”

Rev. Gench is a distinguished pastor, professor, author, organizer, contemplative and theologian. He served as pastor of New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in D.C. for 17 years and pastor of Brown Memorial Presbyterian Church in Baltimore (where Rev. Messman is preaching that day). He is now serving as theologian in residence at Second Presbyterian Church in Richmond, VA.

October 20th
Mark 10:35-45 “Rooted and Grounded”

Being “rooted and grounded” in Christ doesn’t mean seeking personal success or honor, but rather embodying the spirit of servanthood and sacrificial love. Easier said than done.

October 27th
Mark 10:46-52 “From the Ground Up”

Bartimaeus sat on his cloak, forgotten, blind, silenced, and desperate. Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” That might be the most important question we are ever asked.

Nov. 3rd – All Saints Sunday
Deut. 6:1-9 “Holy Ground”

As believers, we are always standing on “holy ground” when we act out of love for God and
neighbor, whether in personal life or public responsibilities. All Saints Sunday has a unique word for us as we approach this election.

Join us on Sunday mornings for worship!

  • 9:15 am (in person) and 11:15 am (in person and online)
  • Childcare for preschool and younger is available throughout the morning, during worship.

For more information, contact the church office at 703-764-0456 or office@BurkePresChurch.org.