Children’s Programs

Children’s Programs

From Nursery to Stepping Stones to Godly Play to Rainbow, it is our hope that you will find just the right place to nurture and support your child’s spiritual growth.

Sunday School

Sunday School for all ages meets from 10:15–11:00 am from September through May. Each class is led by a team of teachers committed to learning and growing and sharing their faith with children. Children learn Bible stories as well as skills for navigating the Bible. We know that Sunday School also must be transformational. We want the children to know that they belong to God and to one another, and that they are loved by their church family. Once our children reach the fourth grade, they are presented with the gift of a New Revised Standard Version Bible.


Rainbow is a mid-week program of fellowship and activities for children in kindergarten through grade 6. The program is offered each Wednesday during the school year from 5:30–7:00 pm. Children participate in recreation/creative arts, music and worship, Bible time, and a family style meal. Rainbow Promise (grades K-2) and Rainbow Connection (grades 3-6) children’s choirs are a part of the music and worship time at Rainbow.

“Raindrops” (childcare) is offered for younger children of Rainbow program leaders.

Godly Play

Godly Play is a creative and imaginative approach to Christian formation and spiritual guidance that values process, openness, discovery, community, and relationships.  Godly Play models worship as we enter into and engage with the biblical stories, symbols, and rituals of Christian tradition, and it invites participants to make relevant and personal meaning through wonder and play.  

Godly Play is offered for children in kindergarten and older during Sunday worship following the children’s message.

For more information about Godly Play, visit

Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones is a special worship experience provided for preschool-age children during Sunday services. Children begin worship in the Meeting House with their families, and after the children’s message they are invited to the Stepping Stones room where they gather for a Bible story, share a snack, and engage in activities that meet them at their developmental level.


Children begin their journey of faith in the BPC nursery. Our capable and qualified childcare team provides a safe and nurturing space for babies and young children on Sunday mornings, at Raindrops on Wednesday evenings, and during other church events.

Multi-Generational Events

Activities that include children, youth, and adults all together are important to the spiritual growth of our church family and help to make BPC a place that feels like home. On First Sundays of each month, our multi-generational Sunday School has become a monthly staple for fellowship, creativity, and outreach across a wide range of ministries. On these First Sundays, all ages have gathered to pack snacks for students at Glasgow Middle School, transform our prayers into art, make trail mix bags for CROP Walkers, craft our own Christmas ornaments, and eat lots and lots of cereal! These monthly gatherings offer time and space to connect with one another and care for our neighbors.   Keep an eye out for announcements about these and other multi-generational gatherings here at BPC throughout the year.


Burke Presbyterian Church Preschool is a ministry of Burke Presbyterian Church. Our preschool has served Burke and the surrounding community for 40 years and welcomes children of all races, faiths, ethnic backgrounds, and nationalities. Visit the preschool’s website for information.


If you have questions or would like more information about any of our children’s programs, please get in touch.

Arlene Decina, Director of Spiritual Growth Ministries, at

Church Office, at 703-764-04576 or